2 Years?!?

It's been a long time since I updated this blog! In that time a lot has happened that has crimped my ability to hobby but hopefully that is turning a corner. Here are my hobby highlights from the last two years:
1) Got back into AoS. Have some Sylvaneth and some of the new NightHaunts. Sylvaneth pics below, no NightHaunt painted yet but I am going to be blogging the build/paint of the new Black Coach shortly.

2) Starting with the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Harad for baddies (so I can have a Mumak) and Mirkwood for gooddies. More on this hopefully in the future.

3) Redesigned my Hobby area - I'll show this off soon

4) Kickstarter addicition is still strong and I have more board games than I know what to do with!

5) Playing Bloodbowl again - Nurgle and Ogre team being built.
In short while I have put nothing on here I have been doing things. Here are some pics of bits of painting I have got done:

Heroes From Stuffed Fables board game

Dude from Mierce Miniatures Darklands
