It's been a long time since I updated this blog! In that time a lot has happened that has crimped my ability to hobby but hopefully that is turning a corner. Here are my hobby highlights from the last two years:
1) Got back into AoS. Have some Sylvaneth and some of the new NightHaunts. Sylvaneth pics below, no NightHaunt painted yet but I am going to be blogging the build/paint of the new Black Coach shortly.
2) Starting with the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Harad for baddies (so I can have a Mumak) and Mirkwood for gooddies. More on this hopefully in the future.
3) Redesigned my Hobby area - I'll show this off soon
4) Kickstarter addicition is still strong and I have more board games than I know what to do with!
5) Playing Bloodbowl again - Nurgle and Ogre team being built.
In short while I have put nothing on here I have been doing things. Here are some pics of bits of painting I have got done:
Heroes From Stuffed Fables board game

Dude from Mierce Miniatures Darklands

1) Got back into AoS. Have some Sylvaneth and some of the new NightHaunts. Sylvaneth pics below, no NightHaunt painted yet but I am going to be blogging the build/paint of the new Black Coach shortly.
2) Starting with the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Harad for baddies (so I can have a Mumak) and Mirkwood for gooddies. More on this hopefully in the future.
3) Redesigned my Hobby area - I'll show this off soon
4) Kickstarter addicition is still strong and I have more board games than I know what to do with!
5) Playing Bloodbowl again - Nurgle and Ogre team being built.
In short while I have put nothing on here I have been doing things. Here are some pics of bits of painting I have got done:
Heroes From Stuffed Fables board game
Dude from Mierce Miniatures Darklands
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