Salute 2015 - My Buys and Upcoming Goodness!

So this is very late and will be followed soon by my UK Games Expo trip! I went along to Salute this year with my other half and 1 year old girl! She enjoyed stomping on the little panels in the floor so the venue got a thumbs up from her!

For those not in the know Salute is hosted by the South London Warlords and must be the biggest single day wargaming event in the UK - full of traders, demo games, participation games etc. It is held in the Excel Center in London and occupies a single big giant hall!

There is a fantastic painting competition and I thoroughly recommend you look here for some more lovely pics:

I went there with not really any set goals of things to see. My purchases for the day were only a few items. First up were some Minions from The Dice Bag Lady:

I have some of these other minis from her and while not painted up yet the kids will love them when I do! Then I saw a stand for a forthcoming game called Mythos from Paranoid Miniatures. They had lots of Giger-esque art going on and while only one model available to buy, there is a skirmish Kickstarter in the pipeline. They are working with the Steamforged guys who brought us Guildhall so should be getting some good advice there. Here is the mini they were selling:

My  final purchase was from Mad Clown miniatures. I picked up some evil clowns and three "faceless" minis. I think there may be a nightmare themed boardgames in the distant future which sounds cool but their sculpts look very fun:

My final mention from the day was a visit to the stand of Wartorn Games. Their Kickstarter is coming imminently (follow the link to their Facebook page!). Their horror minis look wonderfully messed up! They had nothing for sale on the day but lots of minis on show. Can't imagine I'll find anyone to play with but I'll pick some minis up.

So unlike my trip to Salute Games Expo will have lot of pics. I'm eager to hit the Asmodee stand to try and get some Splendor promos, the Tor Gaming stand for the Ridend release, Guild Ball for resin figs, Tabletop Gaming Magazine for their launch and all the other awesome boardgame hotness!!


  1. Nice haul! These minion miniatures look superfun, I might pick up some too for my kids.

  2. These guys were more expensive than the first ones I got - the first ones were more normal poses with no weapons. The Dice Bag Lady also has some of the purple minions - that would be an awesome Blood Bowl team! The yellow ones could be Goblins and the Purple as Trolls!


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