June Happenings

I am rubbish! I meant to update this blog once a week but....oh well! This post is a catch up on the hobby for me recently!

First I went to Sheffield for the "Clash of the Northern Kingdoms" Bushido tournament! I lost all four games very badly, but did win best painted Warband which I was very chuffed with. There is a good write up and pics from the tournament here: http://www.bushido-thegame.com/forum/ret-moosh-73#new

Second I found a new KickStarter to back - BadAss Zombie Killers! After backing Zombicide I have more zombies than you can shake a stick at, but this looks like a novel short card game. I have Zombie Dice and Poo, the card game, as the only two beer and pretzel type games I own so thought this would make a nice addition. He's a day or so in but already about $1.6K towards target. Check it out here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/452329082/badass-zombie-killers

Finally I have massive new game excitement over Hawk Miniatures "Dropship". I saw them at Salute and the models are simply jaw dropping. Ive wanted to get into a good ship based game and tried Firestorm Armada but there was no-one else who played it, but this games has a lot of interest and some excellent terrain. Release is late July and pre-orders up all over the place. As always I recommend the excellent FireStorm Games for your order! Check out the following links for more information:

I'll get some pics up soon for the above and also of my recent painting

